Using Plugins
Plugins are the way to extend Tiki's wiki functionality to do anything (and everything) that you want. A complete list of plugins is available in the Tiki documentation. Plugins can be included anywhere in Tiki that you can use wiki syntax. This includes blogs, forums, and articles — not just wiki pages.
The basic syntax for using a plugin is:
Tiki Plugin
{PLUGIN(option=>value, option=>value)}...{PLUGIN}
You can also "self close" the plugin by using:
Tiki Plugin
{PLUGIN(option=>value, option=>value) /}
Starting in Tiki 3.x, you can use the help system's pop-up editor to easily add or edit plugins. See Using Plugins for more information.
Some useful plugins include:
- module: Add any module to a page.
- alink and aname: Create named destinations for hypertext links.
- fancytable: Create "fancy" tables with headers and alternate-row shading.
- js: Include JavaScript (or an external .JS file).
- group: Customize a page's content, based on the visitor's group. Show one thing to Anonymous visitors; something else to Registered visitors — on the same page.
- flash: Embed a Flash movie in a page.
- html: Include any HTML coding in a wiki page.
You can use the HTML plugin to add anything to page, including Flash videos, Javascripts, and Frames. Because of this, you can use the HTML plugin in place of many of the specialized Tiki plugins.
Tiki Essentials and the Tiki documentation include information on creating your own, custom plugin.