Displaying Blogs in Wiki Pages
In addition to showing blogs on the main blog listing page, you can also display blogs directly in a wiki page. Here, you will add links to the "top" blogs (based on number of posts) to a wiki page.
From the Home page:
- Click the My New Page link. You will add articles to this page.
- From the My New Page page, select Page Actions > Edit (or use the Edit button at the bottom of the page). The Edit page appears.
You will use the Module plugin to add the Top Active Blogs module. - On the Edit page, in the Edit area type:
{module module="top_active_blogs"}
This is an example of using the Tiki PluginModule. The MODULE plugin allows you to embed any module into a wiki page.
{MODULE} is a Tiki plugin to display a module.
module=>top_active_blogs specifies to embed the Top Active Blogs module.
You can use the Plugin help to easily customize the MODULE plugin:
- Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the Another Page. The Another Page page now includes a list of the top blogs.
Only one blog is shown, because you have only created one blog.
If Tiki displays the Plugin execution pending approval message, you must approve the plugin before it can be show.
Click View Details then select Approve. See Approving Plugins for more information.
See the PluginModule for complete information on using the MODULE plugin.