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Moderating Forums

Sometimes, you may need to moderate a forum. This may involve removing off topic or inappropriate posts, or moving posts from one forum to another.
Log out as the admin, and log back in as the user you created earlier (and assigned to the Forum Admins group).

  1. From the Menu, select Forum > List Forums.
  2. Select the forum you created.
  3. The Moderator actions area, contains special features for forum moderators.
    Moderator actions toolbar.
    Using this toolbar, you can select topics in the forum and:
    • Move a topic from one forum to another.
    • Lock (or unlock a topic
    • Delete a topic.
    • Merge two (or more) topics into a single topic.


      The Move and Merge buttons appear only if you have more than one thread or forum.

Moderating Topics and Threads

As a forum moderator, you can also control specific posts and threads.
From the Forum page:

  1. Click the topic title. Tiki displays the topic and its reply.
    Moderator actions toolbar.
  2. You can use the Moderator actions toolbar to delete a specific post or move it to a different forum.
  3. As the forum administrator, you can also edit (or delete) any topic or reply.
Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Thursday February 7, 2019 10:25:54 am EST by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
