
Major updates are in progress. Some pages and languages may not be available.

Fixing Login Problems

This section includes information on resolving issues that you may encounter when logging into Tiki. Be sure to review the information in the Your First Login section for additional information.

The login module is gone.

If your Login module is not available, you can still log into Tiki directly, by using this URL:[installation directory]/tiki-login.php

Some reasons why your login module may have disappeared:

  • Did you unassign it on the Modules: Administration page?
  • Did you assign a specific permission or group to the module? To make the login module visible to all users, be sure to assign it to the Anonymous group.

My Admin account has been suspended

Your Tiki may have been the target of a brute attack and you may have received an email similar to the following:

50 or more unsuccessful login attempts have been made. Your account has been suspended. Contact your site administrator to reactivate it.

And when you try to log in as the Admin, you receive the message: Account requires administrator approval

This is a known vulnerability with earlier versions of Tiki. To unlock your Admin account:

  1. Use phpMyAdmin to access your Tiki's database.
  2. Edit the admin row in the users-users table:
    • Set the waiting column to null.
    • Set the unsuccessful_logins to 0.
  3. Open a new browser session and log into your Tiki with the admin account.


You should upgrade your Tiki to the latest version.

I cannot log in as the Admin.

Remember, the default Administrator password for a new Tiki install is admin. You are prompted to change it upon your initial login.

If you lost your Administrator password, you can reset it by accessing your Tiki database.

  1. Using your database tool (such as phpAdmin), log into your Tiki database.


    This is the same database that you created when you installed Tiki. If you installed Tiki automatically, via a cPanel application, the database was listed on the final installer screen.

  2. Execute the following SQL statement:
    Changing the admin password
    UPDATE `users_users` SET `password`='MYNEWPASS', `hash`= md5('adminMYNEWPASS') WHERE `login`='admin';

    Where MYNEWPASS is a new password.

  3. Now log into Tiki, using the new password.

When logging in, users are told that their account has not been verified.

The actual message may be similar to:
You did not validate your account

You enabled the Validate by email option on the Admin: Login page. This requires that new users first respond to an automatic email message (which contains a special initial login link) before their account can be activated. This helps reduce "false" or "bot" registrations.

Users must validate their account before logging in. If the user cannot find or never received the message, Tiki can resend the validation email message automatically.

To manually validate a user, select Actions > Confirm User Email on the Administration: Users page.

Admin: Users
Validating a user

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Tuesday July 27, 2021 08:43:54 am EDT by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
