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Creating a Menu from a Wiki Structure

Previously, you learned how to create a menu and add options to the menu, as well as creating a menu from a wiki page. You can also use the Structure menu module to create a menu from a wiki structure.

To create a menu from a structure:

  1. Create a new structure and add several pages to the structure.
    Creating a structure for use as a menu.
  2. Assign the Menu module to your Tiki layout. Refer to Adding Modules if you've forgotten how.
    Assigning the Menu Page.
  3. Click Module Options,
  4. On the Basic tab, be sure assign the module to the Left column, position 30, and assign it to the Anonymous group.
    Basic tab
    You can ignore the error... you'll fix it by assigning the structure you created to this module.
  5. Select the Module tab in the Edit this assigned module area.
    Editing the Menu module
  6. In the Structure field, enter the name (or ID) of the structure that you created in Step 1.
    In the Type field, select Vert. This creates a vertical-oriented menu that will fit in the left column.


    As you begin typing in the Structure field, Tiki will attempt to display any existing structures (names) that match what you type (that is, autocomplete).
  7. Click Assign. Tiki saves the information and displays your new structure-based menu in a module. The My Structure Menu module contains the links (that is, the menu items) from the wiki structure.
    Links module

Anytime you edit the structure (such as by adding or deleting pages), the changes will automatically be reflected in the My Structure Menu module!


See the Tiki documentation for detailed information on all of the parameters of the Menu module, including how to show or hide specific levels of the structure.
Contributors to this page: Rick Sapir (ricks99) .
Page last modified on Tuesday August 4, 2020 04:28:10 pm EDT by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
