

Major updates are in progress. Some pages and languages may not be available.

Configuring Group Permissions

Now that you have configured several Tiki features for your site, you need to give users permission to view an use the feature. Since users belong to groups, the easiest way is to set permissions for an entire group.


Review the How Permissions Work for additional, detailed information on configuring Tiki's permissions.

Understanding Permissions

Since you have been logged in as the Administrator, you have had full access (permission) to every Tiki feature. Let's see what a typical visitor would see.

Log out as the admin.... Woah! What happened? Your Home Page now looks completely different:

This is how the Home Page looks to an Anonymous (non-logged in) visitor.:
Home Page

A few things you should notice:

  • The Menu module is gone! How will visitors access all the features (such as blogs, forums, articles, and file galleries)? Where did those options go?
  • Some of the modules are missing information. The Last Articles and Last Forum modules are both empty... even though you created an article and a forum topic.
  • The Quick Edit a Wiki Page module is completely gone. How will visitors create new pages?
  • The Poll module no longer has a vote button — even though you configured the poll to allow anonymous visitors to vote.
  • The buttons at the top and bottom of the Home Page (such as Edit) have disappeared. How are users supposed to edit pages?

What happened?

Tiki has a very powerful permissions management system. You can assign permissions to individual objects and items (as you did when configuring the features) as well as specific groups and users.

Do you remember configuring specific permissions for the Forum Admin group that you created? Now you need to configure permissions for the Anonymous and Registered groups.

In this section

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Wednesday October 16, 2019 10:24:26 am EDT by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
