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Displaying Articles in Wiki Pages

In addition to the main article listing page, you can also display articles directly in a wiki page.

  1. From the Home page, click the MyNewPage link. You will add articles to this page.
  2. Click Edit. The Edit page appears. Use the ARTICLES plugin to add articles to a wiki page.
    Edit area in Edit  page
  3. On the Edit page, in the Edit area type:
    {articles max="5"}


    {ARTICLES} is a Tiki plugin to display articles.

    max=>5 specifies to list only 5 articles on the page.


    You can use the Plugin help to easily customize the MODULE plugin:
    Using the Plugin help to insert the ARTICLES plugin.
  4. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the MyNewPage. The MyNewPage page now includes the articles.

Only one article is shown, because you have only created one article.


If your site had many articles, you could add additional parameters to display only articles of specific topics or types.


Notice that the body of the article is not shown. Instead, Tiki added a Read More link. By default, when using the ARTICLES plugin, Tiki shows only the article's heading.

See the Tiki documentation for complete information on using the ARTICLES plugin.

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Monday February 11, 2019 09:01:59 am EST by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
