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Moving files within the File Gallery

Let's move the files that you uploaded earlier (for the wiki and blog) into the new file gallery you created.

  1. From the Menu, select File Galleries > List Galleries.
    The Galleries page lists the new gallery you created and the files uploaded earlier.
    File Galleries
    Your file gallery and files
  2. Select the images that you previously uploaded, and click Move Move . The Move to field appears.
    File Galleries
    Moving files
  3. Select you new file gallery, and click Move. Tiki moves the selected files to the file
    File Galleries
    The root file gallery

The root file gallery no longer contains the files. They have been moved into the sub-gallery that you created.

File Galleries
The files have been moved!

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Monday June 8, 2020 06:16:07 pm EDT by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
