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Configuring the Search

You can easily allow users to search your Tiki by adding a search module. Tiki has two basic search module types:

  • search_box: Uses the database's internal mechanisms to index the text and perform the search
  • search_new: Uses Tiki to index the text and perform the search.

Refer to the Tiki documentation for full details on these two types of searches.

You have already enabled the search option, now you need to configure its options.

  1. From the Admin menu, click Admin home.
  2. From the Control panels, click Search.


    You can also access the Administration page by typing http://www.yourdomain.com/tiki-admin.php?page=search in your web browser.
  3. The Administration: Search page appears.
    Configuring the search options.
  4. On the General Settings tab, enable the following options:
    • Unified Search Index: Enable by default.
    • Search statistics: Specifies that Tiki should record each search term that users query.
    • Unified search index: MySQL full-text search
    • Referrer Search Highlighting: Tiki will highlight each search match in the resulting pages.

    Leave the other options as their defaults.
  5. Click the Search Results tab to specify what options Tiki will include on the results page.
    Configuring the search results page.
  6. In the Items to display in search results area, enable the Object filter option. This will allow users to filter their search results by Tiki object (that is, show only wiki pages, or articles, or trackers, etc.)
  7. Click Apply. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

Now that you have configured the search options, you can add the search module to your site.

in this section

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Monday October 28, 2019 01:14:52 pm EDT by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
