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Browsing File Galleries

Because Tiki creates a thumbnail of each image you add to a gallery, visitors can quickly browse a complete gallery.

  1. From the File Galleries menu, click List Galleries.
  2. On the Gallery page, Tiki displays a list of all files (images) in the gallery.
    File not found.
  3. Click Browse Images to display the thumbnail for each image (that you uploaded earlier).
    File not found.

    Notice that the file gallery you created earlier is shown as a Folder folder. Click the folder to display its files.

You can sort the images and "page" through the gallery (if there are multiple pages).

The size of the thumbnails, number of thumbnails shown per page, and the information displayed for each image was configured when you created the gallery.

File not found.

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Friday February 8, 2019 06:41:28 pm EST by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
