

Major updates are in progress. Some pages and languages may not be available.

The page Another Page has a space in its name — you cannot use wiki words to create the link. To create a link to this page:

  1. Click Home in the Menu module to return to the HomePage.
  2. Click Edit to edit the HomePage.
  3. In the Edit area, after the text MyNewPage, press Enter and type:
    ((Another Page))
    Edit page.
    Adding a link to another page.


    Use the Wiki Link button to add a link by using the Tiki help interface.
    Link Button
    Adding a link by using the Wiki Link button.
  4. Click Save. Tiki saves the page, and reloads the HomePage.
    The HomePage page now has a link to the Another Page page.

Click the link to go to the Another Page. Notice that the Another Page now has a backlink — it is no longer an orphan. Remember, Tiki does this automatically. Use the backlink to return to the Home page.

By default, the page name (in this case, Another Page) is the name of the link. But you can easily change this link description.

  1. Click Edit to edit the HomePage.
  2. In the Edit area, after the text Another Page, press Enter and type:
    ((Another Page|Click Here)) to visit another page.
  3. Click Save. Tiki saves the page, and reloads the HomePage.
    The HomePage page now has another link to the Another Page page.

The words Click Here are now the link to the page Another Page.


The ((pagename|description)) is the Tiki wiki syntax for creating a wiki link.

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Wednesday June 17, 2020 10:21:34 am EDT by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
