Moderating Topics
As the administrator, you can edit or delete any forum post. Any other group with permission (such as the Forum Administrator group that you created) can also moderate threads and posts.
But what if another visitor finds a post offensive, or wants to report a spam post?
When you added permissions to the Anonymous group, you added the tiki_p_forums_report. This allows visitors to report (or flag) a post that they consider inappropriate. You can then review the post and edit it, if necessary.
In this section
Reporting Posts
If a visitor finds a post in a thread to be inappropriate, off topic, or spam, they can report the post to the forum moderator by clicking the Report
Tiki indicates that the post has been reported and will be reviewed by a moderator.
Reviewing Reported Posts
After visitors report posts, you can review each post.
- Log in as the administrator (or a forum administrator).
- From the Main Menu, select Features > Forum.
- From the Forums page, click the name of the forum.
At the top of the page, Tiki indicates that a message has been reported.File not found. - Click Manage Reported Messages. The Reported Messages page appears.
File not found.
Tiki indicates that the message was reported by Anonymous. This is because you were not logged in as a particular user when you reported the post. If a registered user was logged in, their username would be listed.
Here you can click the message name to review (and edit, if necessary) the reported message.
After reviewing the message (and editing it, if necessary), you can "unreport" the message.